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Danaos Cookie Policy | Danaos Management Consultants

Website cookies

We use cookies on our website.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They are widely used to make websites work more efficiently and to provide information to the owners of the site.

You can find in this page the option “Privacy Settings” to manage your consent regarding cookies (Non-essential ones).

General types of cookies we use :

  • 1. Essential cookies : Indispensable for the Web Site operation.
  • A) We use a session cookie.
  • B) We currently use one cookie to ensure that, when you return to our website, we know which cookie option about non-essential cookies you have selected in your previous visit.

  • 2. Non-essential cookies(Third Party Cookies), used for the purposes described in the “Privacy Settings” menu.
  • You are free to interact with the site contents and features, without being mandated to accept any non-essential cookie.
  • In case you have provided your consent to non-essential cookies deployment, you are free to revoke the consent at any given time from the “Privacy Settings” menu.