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Information Security Policy | Danaos Management Consultants

top management is committed to treating information security management issues with the same responsibility and importance which address the entire business operations in the ship management market. We strongly believe that in this way we maximize the benefit from the operation of the business, for our customers, our employees and our shareholders.
We are committed to support the implementation of information security management processes promising to conserve the following objectives:

• To protect the company's business information and any customer or partner information within our custody by safeguarding its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
• To establish measures to protect the company's 's information resources from theft, abuse, misuse and any damage.
• To establish responsibility and accountability for Information Security in the company.
• To encourage management and staff to maintain an appropriate level of awareness, knowledge and skills to allow them to minimise the occurrence and severity of Information Security incidents.
• To ensure that the company is able to continue its business activities in the event of significant Information Security incidents.
• To ensure any stakeholder that the company comply with normative and legislative requirements.

We intend to realize our commitment to following the principles of prevention and protection in accordance with legislative and regulatory requirements arising from the wider framework developed by the company's risk management and strategic importance, and through the publication of our actions and continuous improvement of our performance in the areas of Information Security.

This continuous effort made by the monitoring and implementation of high technologies and international practices, defining objectives and criteria which shall be continuous assessment of the risk level, the implementation of treatment programs and information, education and participation of workers in information security management system.

Seeking ways to improve the methods implemented information security management, will help us to protect constantly getting information more effectively managed. We will always keep all our interested parties such as customers, employees and shareholders informed for the improvement of our actions.

Top Management gives its full support and maximum priority in Information Security Management System, which will be reviewed systematically so that it is always aligned with the standards set.